BrainFuelĀ Blog

8 Top Tips for your No Smoking 2024 Behaviour Change Campaigns #behaviouralscience #behaviourchange #changecommunications #publichealth #smokefree Feb 11, 2024

This year the date for No Smoking Day is Wednesday March 13th.

Last week we ran the Behaviour Change Market masterclass on effective smokefree messaging with Professor Robert West, Emeritus Professor of Health Psychology, UCL, & co-author COM-B & Behaviour Change Wheel and Samantha...

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3 ways to use behavioural science from #commscamp #behaviouralscience #behaviourchange #changecommunications #cognitive biases #com-b #commscamp #e.a.s.t #hardtoreach #internalcommunications #reciprocity bias Nov 02, 2023

"We care - we do this work because we want to help people." 

This sentiment was echoed in every session at #commscampscotland. This packed unconference brought together comms pros committed to making a real difference while navigating significant work challenges. 

Here are...

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How to use behavioural science in public health campaigns so you are not accidentally a nanny-state communicator! behavioural science campaigns com_b e.a.s.t marketing public health social norms Sep 08, 2023

Public health campaigns have been labelled as nanny-state for as long as I can remember. Which is a long time ( I've been delivering campaigns over 15 years!) Whether it is smoking, winter pressures, alcohol, diet - what ever the subject - the criticism will flow.


My work email about flu...

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Best behavioural science books books com_b habits leadership marketing nudge personal development science Feb 15, 2023

The best behavioural science books (as recommended by lovely people)

So many books. So little time!

That feels like a Winnie the Pooh quote, I’m not sure where I first heard it but it perfectly captures that feeling you can have when learning a new subject and working in the day...

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3 ways behavioural science can help ease NHS pressures com_b e.a.s.t nhs reciprocity social norms uncertainty Jun 13, 2022

The sun is shining but it’s winter already in the NHS.

The traditional seasonal pressures faced by the NHS are now all year around.

This isn’t news but it’s worsening.

This quote from Siva Anandaciva, Chief Analyst at The King’s Fund captures the depth of the pressures:


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