E46 Using Behavioural Science in Marketing with Nancy Harhut
This episode is an interview Nancy Harut author of Using Behavioral Science in Marketing and co-founder and chief creative officer at marketing agency HBT.
Quote from Nancy
“all of us really are our choice architects, when you think about it, there really is no neutral way to present information, you know, how information is presented, influences how people decide about it. And that's, that's essentially the core of choice architecture, how you present, you know, options or choices, determines or influences, see decisions people make about them.”
Three Aha Moments
- Nancy highlights how behavioural science tells us people use shortcuts top make decisions and they will follow automatic, instinctive reflective responses. As marketers we need to add this understanding into our strategies and creative executions.
- To do this (esp if you have no market research) ask why your audience may not want to do what you need them to do. What will they lose of they don’t do it? What is stopping them. Then look to see which of the behavioural science strategies can help you reframe or overcome this barrier. For example if you need to build trust and people don’t know you then the authority bias is a good start. (Nancy includes 25 principles in her book).
- We are all choice architects. Whether you like it or not how you frame and the words you choose influence people so you may as well be sure you are influencing them positively in the right way.
Nancy’s Book
Link to Nancy’s own book – MUST READ
Using Behavioral Science in Marketing by Nancy Harhut
The importance of behavioural science in marketing.
The barriers and levers in a creative brief.
The best arguments to overcome barriers to do something.
Three reasons why someone may not want to buy a product.
The importance of market research and customer testimonials.
Loss aversion and the endowment effect.
The biggest mistake in health.
Nancy shares one of her favourite client case studies.
What is Choice Architecture and how does it work?
How to get a triple digit increase in meeting attendance.
What is choice architecture in messaging, and why it matters.
One book that changed Nancy's life
Bootcamp News
The next Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp is on the 7th June 2023. The Early bird ends 1st May.