E41 How Netflix uses behavioural science (and you can too) with Jen Clinehens

Season #3

Our guest this week is Jennifer Clinehens, founder of behavioural science based customer experience consultancy Choice Hacking. Choice Hacking is a consultancy, book, podcast and TikTok sensation with millions of views.

In this episode Jennifer explains how to use behavioural science to improve  our customer/patient's experience. Jennifer shares how customer journey mapping can be used to think beyond the nudge and elevate conversations around behavioural science in organisations. She also discusses how behavioural science can be used to strategically navigate the psychological biases that exist in customer journeys.

Jen uses Netflix to demonstrate what she means and includes the cocktail party effect and peak end rule.


Quote from Jen

 “you can't really have a culture where behavioural science is taken seriously without a culture where experimentation is also taken seriously.” Jen Clinehens

No every moment punches at the same weight shouldn’t your marketing budget be doubling down on understanding them” How are people creating memories, the experiences they are creating.” Jen Clinehans


Three aha moments

  • The Cocktail party effect is the bias that drives personalisation. It claims that our brains will focus in on the information that is most relevant to them. In other words it will zone in on cues such as your name.
  • Netflix shows us the many opportunities to personalise when you plan across the whole customer experience. Have you ever been lured in to a show using this tactics. (I have!)
    • Top 10
    • Because you watched
    • Trending (herding bias also)
  • When reviewing or reflecting on an experience people don’t average out the experience they will focus in on the peak and the end. Aka the Peak End rule. Know your peaks and invest accordingly.


The book that changed Jen’s life

 Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, Nancy Duarte


Useful links

 Check out Jens episodes on the biases here  - https://www.choicehacking.com/podcast/

 Check out Jens customer experience and other online courses here - https://choicehacking.academy/silo-all-courses/